over 30 yearsadvanced logistics


Founded as Kentner Spedition GmbH in Jena, Germany on March 31.

1994 – 1997 

1994 Company premises purchased at Göschwitzer Strasse 34 in Jena.

1995 2,000 m2 transshipment hub opened with 16 loading doors.

1997 Office building constructed and joint venture with Emo Trans GmbH.

1998 – 2005

1998 Joined the VTL general cargo cooperation network Vernetzte Transportlogistik GmbH as shareholder and cooperation partner.

2002 Second large warehouse measuring 3,000 m2 put into operation with a modern, heatable high-bay system.

2005 Sales office for air and sea freight opened in Dresden.


Company renamed Kontinent Spedition GmbH



Hermsdorfer Kreuz logistics center with 20,000 m2 storage space opened in Stadtroda, Germany.


Honored with Oskar Patzelt Foundation Grand Award for SMEs.


Warehouse location measuring 5,500 m2 opened in Weickelsdorf, Osterfeld, Germany.


25th company anniversary and ground-breaking ceremony for a new warehouse space measuring 7,000 m2 at the Hermsdorfer Kreuz logistics center, consisting of a narrow-aisle/high-bay warehouse with 12,000 new pallet storage spaces.


Completion of our new logistcs building after a construction time of 8 months.

Cooperation with the CTL AG - a general cargo network with more than 150 partner all over Europe.